8th Week of My OJT Journey

Day 1: For today, I'm
compiling all of the thesis books I had scanned and edited. It felt like a daunting task, as there were so many books to go through. I started off by organizing the books into categories and then began the process of scanning and editing each one. It was a long and tedious process, but I managed to scan and edit five books today. I feel like I made a good start and am looking forward to continuing tomorrow.

Day 2: Today was my second day of compiling the thesis books. I managed to scan and edit seven books today. I felt like I was making good progress, but the task still felt daunting. I also started to do some basic formatting on the books as I went along. This was a bit more time-consuming, but it was worth it to ensure that the books looked good and had all of the information in the right place. By the end of the day, I felt like I was making good progress and was looking forward to completing the task tomorrow.

Day 3: Today was my final day of compiling the thesis books. I managed to scan and edit the remaining 4 books. It was a long and challenging day, but I felt accomplished.

Day 4: As for the 4th day, I've been speeding up the process of scanning all the books that was left on the bookshelf. It was a pretty exhausting day because as I am scanning all the books, I had to comply to every request my supervisor had for me.

Day 5: For the final day of March, we had to prepare for the jobs that they will be giving us- the task that we will be doing will be the task that was already given to the different group. So, my co-interns had to teach us every step of their task.


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