9th Week of My OJT Journey

Day 1: 

For the month of April, as an intern at the university library, I was given the task of encoding all the books that were going to be thrown out. I was confident because I already knew the best technique to a faster way of encoding. However, I soon realized that this was a great opportunity to learn more about the library system and gain valuable experience.

The first thing I did was to get back to my previous excel that contained all the encoded books for the 1st month of my internship. I already learned how to use the library's software to input the necessary information about each book, such as the title, author, and publication date so it was a breeze for me. This time there is a change in how I encode, I had to determine the book's condition and whether it was suitable for donation or recycling.

Day 2:

For the 2nd day of the first week of April 2023, The work did not change, and the cycle of encoding continues, I was still surprised to find that there were many books that were still in good condition and could be donated to other libraries or organizations. It was satisfying to know that I was helping to reduce waste and give these books a second chance.

The work was not always easy, especially when I had to process books that were in poor condition or had missing information. However, I learned to be patient and meticulous in my work. I also had the opportunity to work with other librarians and staff members, who were always willing to answer my questions and provide guidance.

Overall, my internship at the university library was a valuable experience. I gained knowledge about the library system, learned new skills, and contributed to a worthy cause. I would recommend this internship to anyone who is interested in library science or wants to gain practical experience in a library setting.


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